Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Week 7 20% Project

Hello everybody! So this is week 7 and we are already starting to fail. Every since Anthony changed classes everything has went down hill. The sharing of the ball and the rubber band expenses have all gotten messed up. We are just thinking of having Anthony join another group in his first period because it is to hard to communicate with him. We don't have any other classes together and he doesn't respond to text. Also Noah is having trouble getting a hold of him. So back to the ball, it has not grown at all in the past three weeks. Noah and I are trying to keep it together but we haven't bought any rubber bands in to weeks. It was suppose to be Anthony's turn to buy some but he is not communicating with us so Noah is going to take over and but some for him next week.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 6 20% Project

This my 6th week of working on the rubber band ball. We are using these new rubber bands that i found and they are wider than the ones we have been using. They are better because they are tight which keeps the other smaller rubber bands on. The week of 11/6/13 Noah Tayara is going to take the ball home and measure it after he finishes putting all of our new rubber bands on. I bought the rubber bands this week so next week Noah will buy rubber bands. The ball is going well but I don't think that it is growing fast enough.
I mean it sure feels like its growing because it seems heavier and heavier but its size doesn't look much bigger. I honestly love doing this project and love the people I'm working with they are both very nice and funny. This is on of the most fun projects that i have every done. I hope that our ball gets really big at least like 3 feet long, I know its a long shot but its worth a try.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Week 5 20% Project

Hello world! This rubber band ball is coming along great, my partners doing great and I believe that I am dong pretty good too. The rubber band ball is getting heavier and heavier. This is causing an issue for me because I ride my bike to school and it is pretty heavy to carry in my backpack. Another issue that is forming is the rubber bands are going to need to be bigger, we will have to order them online. Noah Tayara is going to be in charge of ordering things for online. Also we are going to start weighing the rubber band ball once a week. We all have a guess on how heavy it is for this week; my guess is 45lbs, Noah's guess is 150lbs, and Anthony's guess is 50lbs. Our English teacher Mr. Lee doesn't think we can make the rubber band ball the largest in the world but the whole point in this project is to be confident and believe in yourself so you can accomplish anything.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Week 3 20% Project

Hello again, so the rubber band ball is going great! Each with it is getting a little bit bigger, last week it was 21 inches and this week it is about 22 inches. This ball is pretty big and is getting heavier each time week put rubber bands on it. Mr. Lee's period one of English class are trying to make a bigger rubber band ball then us but I think we will win because ours is already much larger. We don't really have any problems with this Project yet but I think that when it gets really big we are going to have some money problems. As of right now the rubber band bags of 100 are $6 to $7, in the future they might be as much as $15. Also when the rubber band gets to big we are probably going to have to order the rubber bands for online because the store doesn't carry that large rubber bands. Thank you to office depot to we have a good supply of rubber bands. I hope you are guys reading this are as excited for this Project as I am so you keep reading, Bye Thank You For Reading!

Week 2 20% Project

Hi there, I am here to blog about my 20% Project in Mr. Lees English class. I'm working on this with two of my close friends in this class; Noah Tayara, Anthony Sandoval. We are trying to make the biggest Rubber Band ball in the world.We are making good progress, the Rubber Band ball is growing almost an inch every week. We are trying to add at least one bag of 50 rubber bands each week to make the ball bigger. We are trading off every week on who is taking the ball home. The days that I take it home I measure it. This week Noah took the ball home and he bought the rubber bands. Next week i will take the ball home and measure it. As of right now the ball was 21 inches all the way around. Thank you for reading my blog and don't forget to follow my next one.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week 1 20% Project

In my English class with Mr. Lee I am doing a 20% Project on a Rubber Band ball. I have two other people in my group; Noah Tayara and Anthony Sandoval. We came up with this because Mr. Lee gave us the idea and I already had a small Rubber Band ball. Our goal is to try and make the biggest Rubber Band ball in the world. This might be hard but we will try to accomplish our goal, this goes to show everyone that if you honistly try hard you can accomplish anything. So for the first week we mostly did talking, about the expenses and who is going to take it home what week. Most people we have talk to say oh you can't do it, it wont happen in one year. Those people are just jealous and they dont believe. We don't listen to those people. This is my reflection on our first week of the 20% Project.