Hello world! This rubber band ball is coming along great, my partners doing great and I believe that I am dong pretty good too. The rubber band ball is getting heavier and heavier. This is causing an issue for me because I ride my bike to school and it is pretty heavy to carry in my backpack. Another issue that is forming is the rubber bands are going to need to be bigger, we will have to order them online. Noah Tayara is going to be in charge of ordering things for online. Also we are going to start weighing the rubber band ball once a week. We all have a guess on how heavy it is for this week; my guess is 45lbs, Noah's guess is 150lbs, and Anthony's guess is 50lbs. Our English teacher Mr. Lee doesn't think we can make the rubber band ball the largest in the world but the whole point in this project is to be confident and believe in yourself so you can accomplish anything.
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