Jawni Prunchak Reflection
Monday, June 2, 2014
Week 13 20% Project
Hello and Goodbye everyone! This is the last blog I will be making about our 20% project. Noah and I have had a few ups and downs with our 20% Project. A few things that were good what we did threw out the year was, Noah and I actually made progress and we got pretty far into our project. Even though we did not accomplish our goal we did really good, we made worked together it was not just all one person. Another thing we did good was we actually worked on it all year it was not just we did it the night before. A couple of things that Noah and I did bad was that, we should have put a lot more effort into it, we did not know what we were really getting ourselves into. Even though our process should have been a lot faster and longer we kinda of made it work with what we had. One more thing we did wrong was just kicking Anthony out we did need him, he kept us motivated and always working on our project. Thank you for listening I hope you enjoyed our 20% Project!
Week 12 20% Project
Hello everyone! So this is my last week to do a blog before our presentation. So Noah and I have finished the basic parts we need for our presentation. Now this week we are going to add in our images and finish up our short clips. Noah is going to be editing the videos and I will be adding them into our presentation. We are working on this together, we don't want to be like those groups who are lost and never even see the presentation before. Together Noah and I will both be editing the music and putting it together on our power point. Our power point is hopefully going to come out great, we always try to do our best. We hope that everyone will enjoy our presentation. Noah and I are trying to make our project the best we can in order to get a good grade.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Week 11 20% Project
This week My partner Noah and I are beginning our power point for our rubber band ball. We want to get started early so we don't have to rush in the end and we want it to be great not just good. Noah and I are going to make a quick video as well, to show what we have done over the entire year. Our power point is going to be amazing so that no one will be falling asleep when we present. We want people to know that we actually tried this year even though we didn't accomplish our goal. During our presentation we are going to be exciting and just enjoy ourselves so that people will pay more attention to us. Noah and I will show everyone how we got to where we are now. I hope that you enjoy our story about the rubber band ball and stay to watch our presentation. See you next week!
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Week 10 20% Project
Hello everyone! Noah and I put more rubber bands on our ball over the weekend. This weekend Noah was suppose to take the ball and put rubber bands on it but he was no here today so I couldn't give him the ball. I can't help him this weekend because I have work so I will just put more on next week. We are trying to put as many rubber bands as we can on the ball for these last two weeks. For our final presentation we are going to do a power point and we are going to prepare for it so we don't make a fool out of ourselves, like most people do. We have been trying to save all of our rubber band packages but we don't have the first couple because we didn't think to save them till after. Hopefully our presentation is better than everyone else because most people didn't do anything all year.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Week 9 20% Project
This week I am going to bring the ball to Noah's house on Sunday and then he is going to buy more rubber bands to put on it. Also I am going to try to buy 3 bags of rubber bands to put on the ball. Noah and I are going to try harder than we ever have, to make this ball meet our goal. We haven't given up yet! Hopefully by the time we have to do our presentation for Mr. Lee's class our ball will be doubled in size. This project turns out to be much harder than I thought, I actually like to do projects, I think there very fun. This call probably has over a thousand rubber bands on it, it may have a million. Me and Noah haven't taken many pictures of our ball but we still made a lot of progress compared to the first day that we started on it. We are going to begin our progress like that again.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Week 8 20% Project
Its April and our ball is not where it should be, it should be much bigger. I haven't brought the ball to school in like two weeks be the day keeps getting change to do our 20% Project. I already put two bags of rubber bands on the rubber band ball. Noah and I have not accomplished what we wanted to by April, but it is our fault. We were not putting rubbers bands on the ball for about two months which is completely our fault. We will still try though, we just need to believe in ourselves. Noah and I should have taken a picture oh the ball every week but we didn't because we never knew when our 20% Project was. We have put a lot of money and time into this ball even though it is not that big. Our ball is very heavy but not to heavy to carry.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Week 6 20% Project
This week Noah brought the ball but now I forgot the rubber bands so I will just take it home and put my two bags of rubber bands on it. I am going to have the ball for the week and I will weigh the ball and measure it. Also i will be taking a picture of it to add to our presentation at the end of this year. I talk to Noah and we are officially going to kick Anthony Sandoval out of our group because we don't want him trying to take all the credit for the hard work that we out into this ball all year. The year is getting closer each week and I am getting more afraid that we are going to let people down. Noah and I are working our hardest to try and complete our mission, we are just being as positive as possible. Next week I will give Noah the ball and he will buy some rubber bands to put on the ball.
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